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(2012年4月25日 更新)

■Matsumoto, H., Terao, Y., Yugeta, A., Fukuda, A., Emoto, M.,Furubayashi, T., Okano, T., Hanajima, R., & Ugawa, Y.(2011). Where doneurologists look when viewing brain CT images? An eye-tracking studyinvolving stroke cases. PLoS One, 6, e28928.
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■Matsumoto, H., Terao, Y., Furubayashi, T., Yugeta, A., Fukuda, A.,Emoto, M., Hanajima, R., & Ugawa, Y.(2011). Small saccades restrict
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■Matsumoto, H., Terao, Y., Furubayashi, T., Yugeta, A., Fukuda, A.,Emoto, M., Hanajima, R., & Ugawa, Y. (2012). Basal ganglia dysfunction
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■Bate, S., Haslam, C., Tree, J. J., & Hodgson, T. L., (2008). Evidence of an eye movement-based memory effect in congenital prosopagnosia. Cortex, 44, 806-819. // Congenital prosopagnosia
■Bekkering, H., Neggers, S. F. W., Walker, R., Gleissner, B., Dittrich, W. H., & Kennard, C. (2001). The preparation and execution of saccadic eye and goal-directed hand movements in patients with Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia, 39, 173-183.
■Bellmann, C., Feely, M., Crossland, M. D., Kabanarou, S. A., & Rubin, G. S. (2004). Fixation stability using central and pericentral fixation targets in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology, 111, 2265-2270. // Macular degeneration
■Benson, P. J., Leonards, U., Lothian, R. M., St. Clair, D. M., & Merlo, M. C. G. (2007). Visual scan paths in first-episode schizophrenia and cannabis-induced psychosis. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 32, 267-274. // Schizophrenia
■Bergsma, D. P., & van der Wildt, G. (2010). Visual training of cerebral blindness patients gradually enlarges the visual field. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94, 88-96. // Hemianopsia
■Bestelmeyer, P. E. G., Tatler, B. W., Phillips, L. H., Fraser, G., Benson, P. J., & St.Clair, D. (2006). Global visual scanning abnormalities in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 87, 212-222. // schizophrenia
■Bird, G., Catmur, C., Silani, G., Frith, C., & Frith, U. (2006). Attention does not modulate neural responses to social stimuli in autism spectrum disorders. NeuroImage, 31, 1614-1624. // Autism spectrum disorders
■Blechert, J., Ansorge, U., & Tuschen-Caffier, B. (2010). A body-related dot-probe task reveals distinct attentional patterns for Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 575-585. // anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
■Blekher, T., Johnson, S. A., Marshall, J., White, K., Hui, S., Weaver, M., Gray, J., Yee, R., Stout, J. C., Beristain, X., Wojcieszek, J., & Foroud, T. (2006). Saccades in presymptomatic and early stages of Huntington disease. Neurology, 67, 394-399. // Huntington disease
■Blekher, T., Weaver, M. R., Marshall, J., Hui, S., Jackson, J. G., Stout, J. C., Beristain, X., Wojcieszek, J., Yee, R. D., Foroud, T. M. (2009). Visual scanning and cognitive performance in prediagnostic and early-stage Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 24, 532-538. // Huntington's disease
■Blekher, T., Weaver, M., Rupp, J., Nichols, W. C., Hui, S. L., Gray, J., Yee, R. D., Wojcieszek, J., & Foroud, T. (2009). Multiple step pattern as a biomarker in Parkinson disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 15, 506-510. // Parkinson disease
■Blekher, T. M., Weaver, M. R., Cai, X., Hui, S., Marshall, J. D., Jackson, J. M., Wojcieszek, J. M., Yee, R. D., & Foroud, T. M. (2009). Test-retest reliability of saccadic measures in subjects at-risk for Huntington disease. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50, 5707-5711. // Huntington's disease
■Blekher, T. M., Yee, R. D., Kirkwood, S. C., Hake, A. M., Stout, J. C., Weaver, M. R., & Foroud, T. M. (2004). Oculomotor control in asymptomatic and recently diagnosed individuals with the genetic marker for Huntington’s disease. Vision Research, 44, 2729-2736. // Huntington disease
■Bridge, H., Hicks, S. L., Xie, J., Okell, T. W., Mannan, S., Alexander, I., Cowey, A., & Kennard, C. (2010). Visual activation of extra-striate cortex in the absence of V1 activation. Neuropsychologia, 48, 4148-4154. // Blind
■Butler, S. H., Gilchrist, I. D., Ludwig, C. J. H., Muir, K., & Harvey, M. (2006). Impairments of oculomotor control in a patient with a right temporo-parietal lesion. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 6, 990-999. // Temporo-parietal lesion
■Butler, S. H., Rossit, S., Gilchrist, I. D., Ludwig, C. J. H., Olk, B., Muir, K., Reeves, I., & Harvey, M. (2009). Non-lateralised deficits in anti-saccade performance in patients with hemispatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2488-2495. // Hemispatial neglect
■Campbell, L., McCabe, K., Leadbeater, K., Schall, U., Loughland, C., & Rich, D. (2010). Visual scanning of faces in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: Attention to the mouth or the eyes? Psychiatry Research, 177, 211-215.
■Carriere, J. S. A., Eaton, D., Reynolds, M. G., Dixon, M. J., & Smilek, D. (2009). Grapheme-color synesthesia influences overt visual attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 246-258. // Grapheme-color synesthesia
■Cazzoli, D., Nyffeler, T., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2011). Vertical bias in neglect: A question of time? Neuropsychologia, 49, 2369-74. // right hemispheric damage
■Chan, F., Armstrong, I. T., Pari, G., Riopelle, R. J., & Munoz, D. P. (2005). Deficits in saccadic eye-movement control in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 43, 784-796. // Parkinson’s disease
■Contreras, R., Ghajar, J., Bahar, S., & Suh, M. (2011). Effect of cognitive load on eye-target synchronization during smooth pursuit eye movement. Brain Research, 1398, 55-63. // Mild traumatic brain injury
■Contreras, R., Kolster, R., Voss, H. U., Ghajar, J., Suh, M., & Bahar, S. (2008). Eye-target synchronization in mild traumatic brain-injured patients. Journal of Biological Physics, 34, 381-392. // Mild traumatic brain injury
■Crabb, D. P., Smith, N. D., Rauscher, F. G., Chisholm, C. M., Barbur, J. L., Edgar, D. F., & Garway-Heath, D. F. (2010). Exploring eye movements in patients with glaucoma when viewing a driving scene. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9710. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009710. // Glaucoma
■Cronin, T. H., Hertle, R. W., Ishikawa, H., & Schuman, J. S. (2009). Spectral domain optical coherence tomography for detection of foveal morphology in patients with nystagmus. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 13, 563-566. // Nystagmus
■Crossland, M. D., & Rubin, G. S. (2006). Eye movements and reading in macular disease: Further support for the shrinking perceptual span hypothesis. Vision Research, 46, 590-597. // Macular disease
■Crossland, M. D., Culham, L. E., & Rubin, G. S. (2004). Fixation stability and reading speed in patients with newly developed macular disease. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 24, 327-333. // Macular disease
■Crossland, M. D., Culham, L. E., & Rubin, G. S. (2005). Reading speed and the perceptual span in patients with macular disease. International Congress Series, 1282, 498-501. // Macular disease
■Crossland, M. D., Sims, M., Galbraith, R. F., & Rubin, G. S. (2004). Evaluation of a new quantitative technique to assess the number and extent of preferred retinal loci in macular disease. Vision Research, 44, 1537-1546. // Macular disease
■Crossland, M., Culham, L., Kabanarou, S., & Rubin, G. (2005). Preferred retinal locus development in patients with macular disease. Ophthalmology, 112, 1579-1585. // Macular disease
■Crutch, S. J., Lehmann, M., Gorgoraptis, N., Kaski, D., Ryan, N., Husain, M., & Warrington, E. K. (2011). Abnormal visual phenomena in posterior cortical atrophy. Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 17, 160-177. // posterior cortical atrophy
■Dalrymple, K. A., Birmingham, E., Bischof, W. F., Barton, J. J. S., & Kingstone, A. (2011). Opening a window on attention: Documenting and simulating recovery from simultanagnosia. Cortex, 47, 787-799. // Simultanagnosia
■Dalrymple, K. A., Bischof, W. F., Cameron, D., Barton, J. J. S., & Kingstone, A. (2009). Global perception in simultanagnosia is not as simple as a game of connect-the-dots. Vision Research, 49, 1901-1908. // Simultanagnosia
■Dalrymple, K. A., Bischof, W. F., Cameron, D., Barton, J. J. S., & Kingstone, A. (2010). Simulating simultanagnosia: Spatially constricted vision mimics local capture and the global processing deficit. Experimental Brain Research, 202, 445-455. // Simultanagnosia
■Davis, S. L., Frohman, T. C., Crandall, C. G., Brown, M. J., Mills, D. A., Kramer, P. D., Stüve, O., & Frohman, E. M. (2008). Modeling Uhthoff's phenomenon in MS patients with internuclear ophthalmoparesis. Neurology, 70, 1098 - 1106. // Multiple sclerosis
■Dépatie, L., O'Driscoll, G. A., Holahan, A.-L. V., Atkinson, V., Thavundayi, J. X., Kin, N. Y., & La, S. (2002). Nicotine and behavioral markers of risk for schizophrenia: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 27, 1056-1070. // Schizophrenia
■Dijkerman, H. C., McIntosh, R. D., Milner, A. D., Rossetti, Y. Tilikete, C., & Roberts, R. C. (2003). Ocular scanning and perceptual size distortion in hemispatial neglect: Effects of prism adaptation and sequential stimulus presentation. Experimental Brain Research, 153, 220-230. // Hemispatial Neglect
■Elahipanah, A., Christensen, B. K., & Reingold, E. M. (2011). What can eye movements tell us about Symbol Digit substitution by patients with schizophrenia? Schizophrenia Research, 127, 137-143. // Schizophrenia
■Foulsham, T., Barton, J. J. S., Kingstone, A., Dewhurst, R., & Underwood, G. (2009). Fixation and saliency during search of natural scenes: the case of visual agnosia. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1994-2003. // Visual Agnosia
■Foulsham, T., Barton, J. J. S., Kingstone, A., Dewhurst, R., & Underwood, G. (2011). Modeling eye movements in visual agnosia with a saliency map approach: Bottom-up guidance or top-down strategy? Neural Networks, 24, 665-677. // Visual Agnosia
■Frenck-Mestre, C., Zardan, N., Colas, A., & Ghio, A. (2010). Eye-movement patterns of readers with down syndrome during sentence-processing: An exploratory study. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 115, 193-206. // Down syndrome
■Frohman, E. M., Frohman, T. C., Fleckenstein, J., Rackea, M. K., Hawker, K., & Kramer, P. D., (2001). Ocular contrapulsion in multiple sclerosis: clinical features and pathophysiological mechanisms. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 70, 688-692. // Multiple sclerosis
■Frohman, E. M., Frohman, T. C., O'Suilleabhain, P., Zhang, H., Hawker, K., Racke, M. K., Frawley, W., Phillips, J. T., & Kramer, P. D. (2002). Quantitative oculographic characterisation of internuclear ophthalmoparesis in multiple sclerosis: The versional dysconjugacy index Z score. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 73, 51-55. // Multiple sclerosis
■Frohman, E. M., O'Suilleabhain, P., Dewey, R. B., Jr., Frohman, T. C., & Kramer, P. D. (2003). A new measure of dysconjugacy in INO: The first-pass amplitude. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 210, 65-71. // Multiple sclerosis
■Frohman, E. M., Zhang, H., Kramer, P. D., Fleckenstein, J., Hawker, K., Racke, M. K., & Frohman, T. C. (2001). MRI characteristics of the MLF in MS patients with chronic internuclear ophthalmoparesis. Neurology, 57, 762-768. // Multiple sclerosis
■Frohman, T. C., Frohman, E. M., O'Suilleabhain, P., Salter, A., Dewey, R. B. Jr., Hogan, N., Galetta, S., Lee, A. G., Straumann, D., Noseworthy, J., Zee, D., Corbett, J., Corboy, J., Rivera, V. M., & Kramer, P. D. (2003). Accuracy of clinical detection of INO in MS: Corroboration with quantitative infrared oculography. Neurology, 61, 848-850. // Multiple sclerosis
■Gabay, S., Henik, A., & Gradstein, L. (2010). Ocular motor ability and covert attention in patients with duane retraction syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3102-3109. // duane retraction syndrome
■Gamble, A. L., & Rapee, R. M. (2010). The time-course of attention to emotional faces in social phobia. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41, 39-44. // Social Phobia
■Golding, C., Danchaivijitr, C., Hodgson, T. L., Tabrizi, S. J., & Kennard, C. (2006). Identification of an oculomotor biomarker of preclinical Huntington disease. Neurology, 67, 485-487. // Huntington disease
■Gooding, D. C., & Tallent, K. A. (2001). The association between antisaccade task and working memory task performance in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 189, 8-16. // Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder
■Gooding, D. C., Grabowski, J. A., & Hendershot, C. S. (2000). Fixation stability in schizophrenia, bipolar, and control subjects. Psychiatry Research, 97, 119-128. // Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder
■Gooding, D. C., Mohapatra, L., & Shea, H. B. (2004). Temporal stability of saccadic task performance in schizophrenia and bipolar patients. Psychological Medicine, 34, 921-932. // Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder
■Green, M. J., Waldron, J. H., Simpson, I., & Coltheart, M. (2008). Visual processing of social context during mental state perception in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 33, 34-42. // Schizophrenia
■Habekost, T., & Starrfelt, R. (2006). Alexia and quadrant-amblyopia: Reading disability after a minor visual field deficit. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2465-2476. // Alexia
■Harvey, M., Gilchrist, I. D., Olk, B., & Muir, K. (2003). Eye-movement patterns do not mediate size distortion effects in hemispatial neglect: Looking without seeing. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1114-1121. // Hemispatial neglect
■Harvey, M., Olk, B., Muir, K., & Gilchrist, I. D. (2002). Manual responses and saccades in chronic and recovered hemispatial neglect: A study using visual search. Neuropsychologia, 40, 705-717. // Hemispatial neglect
■Hawelka, S., Gagl, B., & Wimmer, H. (2010). A dual-route perspective on eye movements of dyslexic readers. Cognition, 115, 367-379. // Dyslexic
■Helmchen, C., Gottschalk, S., Sander, T., Trillenberg, P., Rambold, H., & Sprenger, A. (2007). Beneficial effects of 3,4-diaminopyridine on positioning downbeat nystagmus in a circumscribed uvulo-nodular lesion. Journal of Neurology, 254. 1126-1128. // Lesion
■Hertle, R. W., Felius, J., Yang, D., & Kaufman, M. (2009). Eye muscle surgery for infantile nystagmus syndrome in the first two years of life. Clinical Ophthalmology, 3, 615-624. // Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome
■Hertle, R. W., Yang, D., Adams, K., & Caterino, R. (2011). Surgery for the treatment of vertical head posturing associated with infantile nystagmus syndrome: results in 24 patients. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 39, 37-46. // Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome
■Hertel, S., Sprenger, A., Klein, C., Kömpf, D., Helmchen, C., & Kimmig, H. (2009). Different saccadic abnormalities in PINK1 mutation carriers and in patients with non-genetic. Journal of Neurology, 25, 1192-1194. // Parkinson’s disease
■Hochstadt, J. (2009). Set-shifting and the on-line processing of relative clauses in Parkinson's disease: Results from a novel eye-tracking method. Cortex, 45, 991-1011. // Parkinson's disease
■Hodgson, T. L., Chamberlain, M., Parris, B., James, M., Gutowski, N., Husain, M., & Kennard, C. (2007). The role of the ventrolateral frontal cortex in inhibitory oculomotor control. Brain, 130, 1525-1537. // Brain damage
■Hodgson, T. L., Mort, D., Chamberlain, M. M., Hutton, S. B., O’Neill, K. S., & Kennard, C. (2002). Orbitofrontal cortex mediates inhibition of return. Neuropsychologia, 40, 1891-1901. // Lesion
■Hodgson, T. L., Tiesman, B., Owen, A. M., & Kennard, O. C. (2002). Abnormal gaze strategies during problem solving in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 40, 411-422. // Parkinson’s disease
■Hong, L. E., Turano, K. A., O'Neill, H., Hao, L., Wonodi, I., McMahon, R. P., Elliott, A., & Thaker, G. K. (2008). Refining the predictive pursuit endophenotype in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 63, 458-464. // Schizophrenia
■Hong, L. E., Turano, K. A., O'Neill, H. B., Hao, L., Wonodi, I., McMahon, R. P., & Thaker, G. K. (2009). Is motion perception deficit in schizophrenia a consequence of eye-tracking abnormality? Biological Psychiatry, 65, 1079-1085. // Schizophrenia
■Huddy, V. C., Hodgson, T. L., Kapasi, M., Mutsatsa, S. H., Harrison, I., Barnes, T. R. E., & Joyce, E. M. (2007). Gaze strategies during planning in first-episode psychosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116, 589-598. // Schizophrenia
■Husain, M., Mannan, S., Hodgson, T., Wojciulik, E., Driver, J., & Kennard, C.(2001). Impaired spatial working memory across saccades contributes to abnormal search in parietal neglect. Brain, 124, 941-952. // Parietal neglect
■Jacobs, J. B., Dell'Osso, L. F., Wang, Z. I., Acland, G., & Bennett, J. (2009). Using the NAFX to measure the effectiveness over time of gene therapy in canine LCA. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50, 4685-4692.
■Jansonius, N. M., van der Vliet, T. A., Cornelissen, F. W., Pott, J. W. R., & Kooijman, A. C. (2001). A girl without a chiasm: Electrophysiologic and MRI evidence for the absence of crossing optic nerve fibers in a girl with a congenital nystagmus. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 21, 26-29. // Nystagmus
■Johnson, R. L., & Rayner, K. (2007). Top-down and bottom-up effects in pure alexia: Evidence from eye movements. Neuropsychologia, 45, 2246-2257. // Alexia
■Jones, M. W., Branigan, H. P., Hatzidaki, A., & Obregón, M. (2010). Is the 'naming' deficit in dyslexia a misnomer? Cognition, 116, 56-70. // Dyslexic
■Kabanarou, S. A., & Rubin, G. S. (2006) Reading With central scotomas: Is there a binocular gain? Optometry & Vision Science, 83, 789-796. // Macular degeneration
■Kabanarou, S. A., Bellmann, C., Crossland, M. D., Rees, A., Feely, M., Culham, L. E., & Rubin, G. S. (2005). Binocular versus monocular viewing in patients with age-related macular degeneration. International Congress Series, 1282, 613-616. // Macular degeneration
■Kabanarou, S. A., Crossland, M. D., Bellmann, C., Rees, A., Culham, L. E., & Rubin, G. S. (2006). Gaze changes with binocular versus monocular viewing in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology, 113, 2251-2258. // Macular degeneration
■Kapoula, Z., Yang, Q., Vernet, M., Dieudonné, B., Greffard, S., & Verny, M. (2010). Spread deficits in initiation, speed and accuracy of horizontal and vertical automatic saccades in dementia with Lewy bodies. Frontiers in Dementia, doi:10.3389/fneur.2010.00138. // Dementia
■Kelders, W. P. A., Kleinrensink, G. J., Van Der Geest, J. N., Schipper, I. B., Feenstra, L., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Frens, M. A. (2005). The cervico-ocular reflex is increased in Whiplash injury patients. Journal of Neurotrauma. 22, 133-137. // Whiplash injury
■Kemner, C., van Ewijk, L., van Engeland, H., & Hooge, I. (2008). Eye movements during visual search tasks indicate enhanced stimulus discriminability in subjects with PDD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 553-557. // Pervasive developmental disorder
■Kennedy, D. P., & Adolphs, R. (2010). Impaired fixation to eyes following amygdala damage arises from abnormal bottom-up attention. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3392-3398. // Amygdala lesions
■Kanonidou, E., Proudlock, F. A., & Gottlob, I. (2010). Reading strategies in mild to moderate strabismic amblyopia: an eye movement investigation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51, 3502-3508. // strabismic amblyopia
■Ketcham, C. J., Hodgson, T. L., Kennard, C., & Stelmach, G. E. (2003). Memory-motor transformations are impaired in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research, 149, 30-39. // Parkinson's disease
■Kita, Y., Gunji, A., Inoue, Y., Goto, T., Sakihara, K., Kaga, M., Inagaki, M., & Hosokawa, T. (2011). Self-face recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Brain and Development, 33, 494-503. // autism spectrum disorders
■Kloft, L., Kischkel, E., Kathmann, N., & Reuter, B. (2011). Evidence for a deficit in volitional action generation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychophysiology, 48, 755-761. // obsessive-compulsive disorder
■Klöppel, S., Draganski, B., Golding, C. V., Chu, C., Nagy, Z., Cook, P. A., Hicks, S. L., Kennard, C., Alexander, D. C., Parker, G. J. M., Tabrizi, S. J., & Frackowiak, R. S. J. (2008). White matter connections reflect changes in voluntary-guided saccades in pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease. Brain, 131, 196-204. // Huntington's disease
■Knapp, C. M., Gottlob, I., McLean, R. J., Rajabally, Y. A., Abbott, R. J., Rafelt, S., & Proudlock, F. A. (2009). Vertical optokinetic nystagmus in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 24, 1533-1538. // Parkinson's disease
■Krab, L. C., de Goede-Bolder, A., Aarsen, F. K., Moll, H. A., De Zeeuw, C. I., Elgersma, Y., & van der Geest, J. N. (2011). Motor learning in children with Neurofibromatosis Type I. The Cerebellum, 10, 14-21. // Neurofibromatosis Type I
■Kuhn, G., Benson, V., Fletcher-Watson, S., Kovshoff, H., McCormick, C. A., Kirkby, J., & Leekam, S. R. (2010). Eye movements affirm: automatic overt gaze and arrow cueing for typical adults and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Experimental Brain Research, 201, 155-165. // Autism
■Kuhn, G., Kourkoulou, A., & Leekam, S. R. (2010). How magic changes our expectations about autism. Psychological Science, 21, 1487-1493.
■Kumar, A., Gottlob, I., Mclean, R. J., Thomas, S., Thomas, M. G., & Proudlock, F. A. (2011). Clinical and oculomotor characteristics of albinism compared to FRMD7 associated infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmological and Visual Science, 52, 2306 - 2313. // Nystagmus
■Kumar, A., Thomas, S., McLean, R., Proudlock, F. A., Roberts, E., Boggild, M., & Gottlob, I. (2009). Treatment of acquired periodic alternating nystagmus with memantine: A case report. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 32, 109-110. // Nystagmus
■Kumar, A., Sarvananthan, N., Proudlock, F., Thomas, M., Roberts, E., & Gottlob, I. (2009). Asperger Syndrome associated with idiopathic infantile nystagmus: A report of 2 cases. Strabismus, 17, 63-65. // Nystagmus
■Lamontagne, A., Paquette, C., & Fung, J. (2007). Stroke affects the coordination of gaze and posture during preplanned turns while walking. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 21, 62-67. // Stroke
■Lamontagne, A., & Fung, J. (2009). Gaze and postural reorientation in the control of locomotor steering after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 23, 256-266. // Stroke
■Leff, A. P., Scott, S. K., Crewes, H., Hodgson, T. L., Cowey, A., Howard, D., & Wise, R. J. S. (2000). Impaired reading in patients with right hemianopia. Annals of Neurology, 47, 171-178. // hemianopia
■Lenzenweger, M. F., McLachlan, G., & Rubin, D. B. (2007). Resolving the latent structure of schizophrenia endophenotypes using expectation-maximization-based finite mixture modeling. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116, 16-29. // Schizophrenia
■LeVasseur, A. L., Flanagan, J. R., Riopelle, R. J., & Munoz, D. P. (2001). Control of volitional and reflexive saccades in Tourette's syndrome. Brain, 124, 2045-2058. // Tourette's syndrome
■Li, C.-S. R., Chen, M.-C., Yang, Y.-Y., Chang, H.-L., Liu, C.-Y., Shen, S., & Chen, C. Y. (2000). Perceptual alternation in obsessive compulsive disorder: Implications for a role of the cortico-striatal circuitry in mediating awareness. Behavioural Brain Research, 111, 61-69. // Obsessive compulsive disorder
■Li, N., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Ying, M., Han, R., Liu, Y., & Zhao, K. (2011). Investigation of the gene mutations in two Chinese families with X-linked infantile nystagmus. Molecular Vision, 17, 461-468. // infantile nystagmus
■Macedo, A. F., Crossland, M. D., & Rubin, G. S. (2011). Investigating unstable fixation in patients with macular disease. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52, 1275-1280. // macular disease
■Machner, B., Sprenger, A., Behrens, M. I., Ramirez, A., Brüggemann, N., Klein, C., & Helmchen, C. (2010). Eye movement disorders in ATP13A2 mutation carriers (PARK9). Movement Disorders, 25, 2687-2689.
■Machner, B., Klein, C., Sprenger, A., Baumbach, P., Pramstaller, P. P., Helmchen, C., & Heide, W. (2010). Eye movement disorders are different in Parkin-linked and idiopathic early-onset PD. Neurology, 75, 125-128. // Parkinson disease
■Malhotra, P., Mannan, S., Driver, J., & Husain, M. (2004). Impaired spatial working memory: One component of the visual neglect syndrome? Cortex, 40, 667-676. // hemispatial neglect
■Mannan, S. K., Hodgson, T. L., Husain, M., & Kennard, C. (2008). Eye movements in visual search indicate impaired saliency processing in Parkinson's disease. Progress in brain research, 171, 559-562. // Parkinson's disease
■McDonald, S. A., Spitsyna, G., Shillcock, R. C., Wise, R. J. S., & Leff, A. P. (2006). Patients with hemianopic alexia adopt an inefficient eye movement strategy when reading text. Brain, 129, 158-167. // Alexia
■McLean, R., Proudlock, F., Thomas, S., Degg, C., & Gottlob, I. (2007). Congenital nystagmus: Randomized, controlled, double-masked trial of memantine/gabapentin. Annals of Neurology, 61, 130 - 138. // Congenital nystagmus
■Mannan, S. K., Mort, D. J., Hodgson, T. L., Driver, J., Kennard, C., & Husain, M. (2005). Revisiting previously searched locations in visual neglect: Role of right parietal and frontal lesions in misjudging old locations as new. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 340-354. // hemispatial neglect
■Maruta, J., Suh, M., Niogi, S. N., Mukherjee, P., & Ghajar, J. (2010). Visual tracking synchronization as a metric for concussion screening. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 25, 293-305. // mild traumatic brain injury
■Mills, D. A., Frohman, T. C., Davis, S. L., Salter, A. R., McClure, S., Beatty, I., Shah, A., Galetta, S., Eggenberger, E., Zee, D. S., & Frohman, E. M. (2008). Break in binocular fusion during head turning in MS patients with INO. Neurology, 71, 458-460. // Multiple sclerosis
■Mirman, D., Yee, E., Blumstein, S. E., & Magnuson, J. S. (2011). Theories of spoken word recognition deficits in Aphasia: Evidence from eye-tracking and computational modeling. Brain and Language, 117, 53-68. // Aphasia
■Moeller, K., Neuburger, S., Kaufmann, L., Landerl, K., Nuerk, H.-C. (2009). Basic number processing deficits in developmental dyscalculia: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognitive Development, 24, 371-386. // Developmental Dyscalculia
■Møller, F., Laursen, M. L., & Sjølie, A. K. (2005). Binocular fixation topography in patients with diabetic macular oedema: Possible implications for photocoagulation therapy (3rd revision). Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 243, 903-910. // Diabetic retinopathy
■Montfoort, I., Frens, M. A., Hooge, I. Th. C., Lagers-van Haselen, G. C., & van der Geest, J. N. (2007). Visual search deficits in Williams-Beuren syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 45, 931-938. // Williams-Beuren syndrome
■Montfoort, I., Kelders, W. P., van der Geest, J. N., Schipper, I. B., Feenstra, L., de Zeeuw, C. I., & Frens, M. A. (2006). Interaction between ocular stabilization reflexes in patients with whiplash injury. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 47, 2881-2884. // Whiplash injury
■Montfoort, I., Van Der Geest, J. N., Slijper, H. P., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Frens, M. A. (2008). Adaptation of the cervico- and vestibulo-ocular reflex in whiplash injury patients. Journal of Neurotrauma, 25, 687-693. // Whiplash injury
■Morgan, C. J. A., Huddy, V., Lipton, M., Curran, H. V., & Joyce, E. M. (2009). Is persistent ketamine use a valid model of the cognitive and oculomotor deficits in schizophrenia? Biological Psychiatry, 65, 1099-1102. // Schizophrenia
■Mosimann, U. P., Felblinger, J., Ballinari, P., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2004). Visual exploration behaviour during clock reading in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, 127, 431-438. // Alzheimer’s disease
■Moukheiber, A., Rautureau, G., Perez-Diaz, F., Soussignan, R., Dubal, S., Jouvent, R., & Pelissolo, A. (2010). Gaze avoidance in social phobia: Objective measure and correlates. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 147-151. // Social Phobia
■Müri, R. M., Cazzoli, D., Nyffeler, T., & Pflugshaupt, T. (2009). Visual exploration pattern in hemineglect. Psychological Research, 73, 147-157. // Hemineglect
■Neumann, D., Spezio, M. L., Piven, J., & Adolphs, R. (2006). Looking you in the mouth: abnormal gaze in autism resulting from impaired top-down modulation of visual attention. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1, 194-202. // Autism
■Nguyen, N. X., Stockum, A., Hahn, G. A., & Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. (2011). Training to improve reading speed in patients with juvenile macular dystrophy: a randomized study comparing two training methods. Acta Ophthalmologica, 89, e82-e88. // macular dystrophy

■Nyffeler, T., Pflugshaupt, T., Hofer, H., Baas, U., Gutbrod, K., von Wartburg, R., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2005). Oculomotor behaviour in simultanagnosia: A longitudinal case study. Neuropsychologia, 43, 1591-1597. // Simultanagnosia
■O’Driscoll, G. A., Dépatie, L., Holahan, A. V., Savion-Lemieux, T., Barr, R. G., Jolicoeur, C., & Douglas, V. I. (2005). Executive functions and methylphenidate response in subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 1452-1460. // ADHD
■Ojanpää, H., Näsänen, R., Päällysaho, J., Akila, R., Müller, K., Kaukiainen, A., & Sainio, M. (2006). Visual search and eye movements in patients with chronic solvent-induced toxic encephalopathy. NeuroToxicology, 27, 1013-1023. // Toxic encephalopathy
■Olk, B., Harvey, M., & Gilchrist, I. D. (2002). First saccades reveal biases in recovered neglect. Neurocase, 8, 306-313. // Hemispatial neglect
■Otero-Millan, J., Serra, A., Leigh, R. J., Troncoso, X. G., Macknik, S. L., & Martinez-Conde, S. (2011). Distinctive features of saccadic intrusions and microsaccades in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 4379-4387. // Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
■Peltsch, A., Hoffman, A., Armstrong, I., Pari, G., & Munoz, D. P. (2008). Saccadic impairments in Huntington’s disease. Experimental Brain Research, 186, 457-469. // Huntington’s disease
■Pfeffer, G., Abegg, M., Vertinsky, A. T., Ceccherini, I., Caroli, F., & Barton, J. J. (2011). The ocular motor features of adult-onset Alexander Disease: A case and review of the literature. Journal of Neuroophthalmology, 31, 155-159. // Alexander Disease
■Pflugshaupt, T., Bopp, S. A., Heinemann, D., Mosimann, U. P., von Wartburg, R., Nyffeler, T., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2004). Residual oculomotor and exploratory deficits in patients with recovered hemineglect. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1203-1211. // Hemispatial neglect
■Pflugshaupt, T., Gutbrod, K., Wurtz, P., von Wartburg, R., Nyffeler, T., de Haan, B., Karnath, H.-O., & Mueri, R. M. (2009). About the role of visual field defects in pure alexia. Brain, 132, 1907-1917. // Pure Alexia
■Pflugshaupt, T., Mosimann, U. P., Schmitt, W. J., von Wartburg, R., Wurtz, P., Lüthi, M., Nyffeler, T., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2007). To look or not to look at threat?: Scanpath differences within a group of spider phobics. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21, 353-366. // Phobia
■Pflugshaupt, T., Mosimann, U. P., von Wartburg, R., Schmitt, W., Nyffeler, T., & Müri, R. M. (2005). Hypervigilance-avoidance pattern in spider phobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19, 105-116. // Phobia
■Pflugshaupt, T., Nyffeler, T., von Wartburg, R., Hess, C. W., & Mueri, R. M. (2008). Loss of exploratory vertical saccades after unilateral frontal eye field damage. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry, 79, 474-477. // Brain damage
■Pflugshaupt, T., Nyffeler, T., von Wartburg, R., Wurtz, P., Lüthi, M., Hubl, D., Gutbrod, K., Juengling, F. D., Hess, C. W., & Müri, R. M. (2007). When left becomes right and vice versa: Mirrored vision after cerebral hypoxia. Neuropsychologia, 45, 2078-2091. // Brain damage
■Pinkhardt, E. H., Jürgens, R., Becker, W., Valdarno, F., Ludolph, A. C., & Kassubek, J. (2008). Differential diagnostic value of eye movement recording in PSP-parkinsonism, Richardson's syndrome, and idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology, 255, 1916-1925. // Parkinson's disease
■Pinkhardt, E. H., & Kassubek, J. (2011). Ocular motor abnormalities in Parkinsonian syndromes. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 17, 223-230. // Parkinson's disease
■Pinkhardt, E. H., Kassubek, J., Süssmuth, S., Ludolph, A. C., Becker, W., & Jürgens, R., (2009). Comparison of smooth pursuit eye movement deficits in multiple system atrophy and Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology, 256, 1438-1446. // Parkinson's disease
■Pisella, L., Alahyane, N., Blangero, A., Thery, F., Blanc, S., & Pelisson, D. (2011). Right-hemispheric dominance for visual remapping in humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 366, 572-585.
■Pflugshaupt, T., Suchan, J., Mandler, M.-A., Sokolov, A. N., Trauzettel-Klosinski, S., Karnath, H.-O. (2011). Do patients with pure alexia suffer from a specific word form processing deficit? Evidence from "wrods with trasnpsoed letetrs". Neuropsychologia, 49, 1294-1301. // Alexia

■Porter, G., Leonards, U., Wilcock, G., Haworth, J., Troscianko, T., & Tales, A. (2010). New insights into feature and conjunction search: II. Evidence from Alzheimer's disease. Cortex, 46, 637-649. // Alzheimer's disease
■Porter, M. A., Shaw, T. A., & Marsh, P. J. (2010). An unusual attraction to the eyes in Williams-Beuren syndrome: A manipulation of facial affect while measuring face scanpaths. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 15, 505-530. // Williams-Beuren syndrome
■Pradeep, A., Thomas, S., Roberts, E. O., Proudlock, F. A., & Gottlob, I. (2008). Reduction of congenital nystagmus in a patient after smoking cannabis. Strabismus, 16, 29-32. // Congenital Nystagmus
■Proudlock, F. A., Gottlob, I., & Constantinescu, C. S. (2002). Oscillopsia without nystagmus caused by head titubation in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 22, 88-91. // Multiple sclerosis
■Raemaekers, M., Bergsma, D. P., van Wezel, R. J. A., van der Wildt, G. J., & van den Berg, A. V. (2011). Effects of vision restoration training on early visual cortex in patients with cerebral blindness investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105, 872 - 882. // visual field defects
■Rees, A. L., Kabanarou, S. A., Culham, L. E., & Rubin, G. S. (2005). Can retinal eccentricity predict visual acuity and contrast sensitivity at the PRL in AMD patients? International Congress Series, 1282, 694-698. // Macular degeneration
■Ritchie, A. E., Griffiths, P. G., Chinnery, P. F., & Davidson, A. W. (2010). Eye movement recordings to investigate a supranuclear component in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94, 1165-1168. // external ophthalmoplegia
■Rommelse, N. N. J., Van der Stigchel, S., Witlox, J., Geldof, C., Deijen, J.-B. , Theeuwes, J., Oosterlaan, J., & Sergeant, J. A. (2008). Deficits in visuo-spatial working memory, inhibition and oculomotor control in boys with ADHD and their non-affected brothers. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115, 249-260. // ADHD
■Roth, T., Sokolov, A., N., Messias, A., Roth, P., Weller, M., & Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. (2009). Comparing explorative saccade and flicker training in hemianopia: A randomized controlled study. Neurology, 72, 324 - 331. // Hemianopia
■Rossit, S., Szymanek, L., Butler, S. H., & Harvey, M. (2010). Memory-guided saccade processing in visual form agnosia (patient DF). Experimental Brain Research, 200, 109-116. // visual form agnosia
■Rubin, G. S., & Feely, M. (2009). The role of eye movements during reading in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Neuro-Ophthalmology, 33, 120-126. // Macular disease
■Rupp, J., Blekher, T., Jackson, J., Beristain, X., Marshall, J., Hui, S., Wojcieszek, J., & Foroud, T.(2010). Progression in prediagnostic Huntington disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 81, 379-384. // Huntington disease
■Russell, T. A., Green, M. J., Simpson, I., & Coltheart, M. (2008). Remediation of facial emotion perception in schizophrenia: Concomitant changes in visual attention. Schizophrenia Research, 103, 248-256. // Schizophrenia
■Sauleau, P., Pollak, P., Krack, P., Courjon, J.-H., Vighetto, A., Benabid, A.-L., Pélisson, D., & Tilikete, C. (2008). Subthalamic stimulation improves orienting gaze movements in Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119, 1857-1863. // Parkinson’s disease
■Schattka, K. I., Radach, R., & Huber, W. (2010). Eye movement correlates of acquired central dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2959-2973. // dyslexia
■Scheel, M., Abegg, M., Lanyon, L. J., Mattman, A., & Barton, J. J. (2010). Eye movement and diffusion tensor imaging analysis of treatment effects in a Niemann Pick Type C Patient. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 99, 291-295. // Niemann-Pick Type C patient
■Shery, T., Proudlock, F. A., Sarvananthan, N., McLean, R. J., & Gottlob, I. (2006). The effects of gabapentin and memantine in acquired and congenital nystagmus: A retrospective study. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 90, 839-843. // Nystagmus
■Smilek, D., Malcolmson, K. A., Carriere, J. S. A., Eller, M., Kwan, D., & Reynolds, M. (2007). When "3" is a Jerk and "E" is a King: Personifying Inanimate Objects in Synesthesia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 981-992. // Synesthesia
■Smith, N. D., Crabb, D. P., & Garway-Heath, D. F. (2011). An exploratory study of visual search performance in glaucoma. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 31, 225-232. // glaucoma
■Spezio, M. L., Adolphs, R., Hurley, R. S. E., & Piven, J. (2007). Analysis of face gaze in autism using "Bubbles". Neuropsychologia, 45, 144-151. // Autism
■Spezio, M. L., Adolphs, R., Hurley, R. S. E., & Piven, J. (2007). Abnormal use of facial information in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, 37, 929-939. // Autism
■Spitzyna, G. A., Wise, R. J.S., McDonald, S. A., Plant, G. T., Kidd, D., Crewes, H., & Leff, A. P. (2007). Optokinetic therapy improves text reading in patients with hemianopic alexia: A controlled trial. Neurology, 68, 1922-1930. // Alexia
■Sprenger, A., Zils, E., Rambold, H., Sander, T., & Helmchen, C. (2005). Effect of 3,4-Diaminopyridine on the postural control in patients with downbeat nystagmus. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 1039, 395-403. // Nystagmus
■Steenbergen, B., Verrel, J., & Gordon, A. M. (2007). Motor planning in congenital hemiplegia. Disability & Rehabilitation, 29, 13-23. // Congenital hemiplegia
■Suh, M., Basu, S., Kolster, R., Sarkar, R., McCandliss, B., & Ghajar, J. (2006). Increased oculomotor deficits during target blanking as an indicator of mild traumatic brain injury. Neuroscience Letters, 410, 203-207. // Traumatic brain injury
■Suh, M., Kolster, R., Sarkar, R., McCandliss, B., & Ghajar, J. (2006). Deficits in predictive smooth pursuit after mild traumatic brain injury. Neuroscience Letters, 401, 108-113. // Traumatic brain injury
■Sullivan, B., Jovancevic, J., Hayhoe, M., & Sterns, G. (2005). Use of gaze in natural tasks in Stargardt's disease: A preferred retinal region. International Congress Series, 1282, 608-612. // Stargardt's disease
■Tai, Z., Hertle, R. W., Bilonick, R. A., & Yang, D. (2011). A new algorithm for automated nystagmus acuity function analysis. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95, 832-836.
■Taibbi, G., Wang, Z. I., & Dell'Osso, L. F. (2008). Infantile nystagmus syndrome: Broadening the high-foveation-quality field with contact lenses. Clinical Ophthalmology, 2, 585-589. // Nystagmus
■Tant, M. L., Cornelissen, F. W., Kooijman, A. C., & Brouwer, W. H. (2002). Hemianopic visual field defects elicit hemianopic scanning. Vision Research, 42, 1339-1348. // Hemianopia
■Tarita-Nistor, L., Brent, M. H., Steinbach, M. J., & Gonzalez, E. G. (2011). Fixation stability during binocular viewing in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52, 1887-1893. // macular degeneration
■Telling, A. L., Meyer, A. S., & Humphreys, G. W. (2010). Distracted by relatives: Effects of frontal lobe damage on semantic distraction. Brain and Cognition, 73, 203-214. // frontal lobe damage
■Thakkar, K. N., Schall, J. D., Boucher, L., Logan, G. D., & Park, S. (2011). Response inhibition and response monitoring in a saccadic countermanding task in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 69, 55-62. // schizophrenia
■Thomas, M. G., Crosier, M., Lindsay, S., Kumar, A., Thomas, S., Araki, M., Talbot, C. J., McLean, R. J., Surendran, M., Taylor, K., Leroy, B. P., Moore, A. T., Hunter, D. G., Hertle, R. W., Tarpey, P. T., Langmann, A., Lindner, S., Brandner, M., & Gottlob, I. (2011). ■The clinical and molecular genetic features of idiopathic infantile periodic alternating nystagmus. Brain, 134, 892 - 902. // nystagmus
■Thomas, S., Critchley, P., Lawden, M., Farooq, S., Thomas, A., Proudlock, F. A., Constantinescu, S. C., & Gottlob, I. (2005). Stiff person syndrome with eye movement abnormality, myasthenia gravis, and thymoma. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76, 141-142. // Stiff person syndrome
■Thomas, S., Proudlock, F. A., Sarvananthan, N., Roberts, E. O., Awan, M., McLean, R., Surendran, M., Kumar, A. S. A., Farooq, S. J., Degg, C., Gale, R. P., Reinecke, R. D., Woodruff, G., Langmann, A., Lindner, S., Jain, S., Tarpey, P., Raymond, F. L., & Gottlob, I. (2008). Phenotypical characteristics of idiopathic infantile nystagmus with and without mutations in FRMD7. Brain, 131, 1259 - 1267. // Nystagmus
■Tilikete, C., Koene, A., Nighoghossian, N., Vighetto, A., & Pélisson, D. (2006). Saccadic lateropulsion in Wallenberg syndrome: a window to access cerebellar control of saccades? Experimental Brain Research, 174, 555-565. // Wallenberg syndrome
■Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. (2005). AMD-READ project: Assessment and optimisation of macular function with special regard to reading and motor control: An overview. International Congress Series, 1282, 741-744. // // Macular degeneration
■Thurtell1, M. J., Dell'Osso, L. F., Leigh, R. J., Matta, M., Jacobs, J. B., & Tomsak, R. L. (2010). Effects of Acetazolamide on Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome Waveforms: Comparisons to Contact Lenses and Convergence in a Well-Studied Subject. The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 4, 42-51. // Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome
■Tsuchiya, N., Moradi, F., Felsen, C., Yamazaki, M., & Adolphs, R. (2009). Intact rapid detection of fearful faces in the absence of the amygdala. Nature Neuroscience, 12, 1224-1225. // amygdala lesion
■Upton, N. J., Hodgson, T. L., Plant, G. T., Wise, R. J. S., & Leff, A. P. (2003). "Bottom-up" and "top-down" effects on reading saccades: a case study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 74, 1423-1428. // Hemianopia
■Van Belle, G., de Graef, P., Verfaillie, K., Busigny, T., & Rossion, B. (2010). Whole not hole: expert face recognition requires holistic perception. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2620-2629. // Acquired prosopagnosia
■Van Belle, G., Lefèvre, P., Laguesse, R., Busigny, T., de Graef, P., Verfaillie, K., & Rossion, B. (2010). Feature-based processing of personally familiar faces in prosopagnosia: Evidence from eye-gaze contingency. Behavioural Neurology, 23, 255-257. // prosopagnosia
■van der Geest, J. N., Lagers-van Haselen, G. C., van Hagen, J. M., Govaerts, L. C. P., de Coo, I. F. M., de Zeeuw, C. I., & Frens, M. A. (2004). Saccade dysmetria in Williams-Beuren syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 42, 569-576. // Williams-Beuren syndrome
■Van der Stigchel, S., Arend, I., van Koningsbruggen, M. G., & Rafal, R. D. (2010). Oculomotor integration in patients with a pulvinar lesion. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3497-3504. // pulvinar lesion
■Van der Stigchel, S., & Nijboer, T. C. W. (2010). The imbalance of oculomotor capture in unilateral visual neglect. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 186-197. // visual neglect
■Van der Stigchel, S., Nijboer, T. C. W., Bergsma, D. P., Abegg, M., & Barton, J. J. S. (2010). Anomalous global effects induced by "blind" distractors in visual hemifield defects. Brain and Cognition, 74, 66-73. // hemifield defects
■Van der Stigchel, S., van Zoest, W., Theeuwes, J., & Barton, J. J. S. (2008). The influence of 'blind' distractors on eye movement trajectories in visual hemifield defects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 2025-2036. // Brain damage
■van Hagen, J. M., van der Geest, J. N., van der Giessen, R. S., Lagers-van Haselen, G. C., Eussen, H. J. F. M. M., Gille, J. J. P., Govaerts, L. C. P., Wouters, C. H., de Coo, I. F. M., Hoogenraad, C. C., Koekkoek, S. K. E., Frens, M. A., van Camp, N., van der Linden, A., Jansweijer, M. C. E., Thorgeirsson, S. S., & De Zeeuwb, C. I. (2007). Contribution of CYLN2 and GTF2IRD1 to neurological and cognitive symptoms in Williams syndrome. Neurobiology of Disease, 26, 112-124. // Williams-Beuren syndrome
■Vangkilde, S., & Habekost, T. (2010). Finding Wally: Prism adaptation improves visual search in chronic neglect. Neuropsychologia, 48, 1994-2004. // Hemispatial neglect
■Wang, Z. I., & Dell’Osso, L. F. (2009). Factors influencing pursuit ability in infantile nystagmus syndrome: Target timing and foveation capability. Vision Research, 42, 182-189. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z. I., & Dell'Osso, L. F. (2011). A unifying model-based hypothesis for the diverse waveforms of Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4(1):1, 1-18. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z., & Dell'Osso, L. F. (2007). Being "slow to see" is a dynamic visual function consequence of infantile nystagmus syndrome: Model predictions and patient data identify stimulus timing as its cause. Vision Research, 47, 1550-1560. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z., Dell'Osso, L. F., Jacobs, J. B., Burnstine, R. A., & Tomsak, R. L. (2006). Effects of tenotomy on patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome: Foveation improvement over a broadened visual field. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 10, 552-560. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z., Dell'Osso, L. F., Tomsak, R. L., & Jacobs, J. B. (2007). Combining recessions (nystagmus and strabismus) with tenotomy improved visual function and decreased oscillopsia and diplopia in acquired downbeat nystagmus and in horizontal infantile nystagmus syndrome. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 11, 135-141. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z., Dell'Osso, L. F., Zhang, Z., Leigh, R. J., & Jacobs, J. B. (2006). Tenotomy does not affect saccadic velocities: Support for the "small-signal" gain hypothesis. Vision Research, 46, 2259-2267. // Infantile nystagmus syndrome
■Wang, Z. I., & Dell'Osso, L. F. (2008). Tenotomy procedure alleviates the "slow to see" phenomenon in infantile nystagmus syndrome: Model prediction and patient data. Vision Research., 48, 1409-1419 // Infantile nystagmus syndrome.
■Wilson, C. E., Brock, J., & Palermo, R. (2010). Attention to social stimuli and facial identity recognition skills in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 1104-1115. // autism spectrum disorder
■Yu, C. W.-M., Petheram, K., Davidson, A. W., Williams, T., & Griffiths, P. G. (2011). A supranuclear disorder of ocular motility as a rare initial presentation of motor neurone disease. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 35, 38-39. // motor neurone disease


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■Spezio, M. L., Huang, P.-Y. S., Castelli, F., & Adolphs, R. (2007). Amygdala damage impairs eye contact during conversations with real people. Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 3994-3997.

■Sullivan, B., Jovancevic-Misic, J., Hayhoe, M., & Sterns, G. (2008). Use of multiple preferred retinal loci in Stargardt's disease during natural tasks: a case study. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 28, 168-177.

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